Sleep stages

Drowsy states

1. Slow lateral eye movement (SEM)
  • less than 0.5Hz
  • the first obvious electrographic signs of drowsiness    
 2. Small fast irregular eye movements

Stage 1 sleep
  1. Disappearance of alpha rhythm, appearance of 4‐7Hz slow
  2. Presence of SEM
  3. Reduction of m. artifacts
  4. V waves
  5. POSTs
  6. Frontocentral theta activity 
Stage 2 sleep
  • Sleep spindle :> 0.5 sec
  • K- complex:
Stage 3 sleep
  • High-amplitude slow delta activity :> 50%
Rapid eye movement sleep 
  • >50%  of  30  sec  epoch  low  voltage voltage  EEG  activity activity  with  prominent prominent theta activity preceded by rapid eye movements
  •  rapid eyeball movement
  • Reduced muscle activity
  • Resemble the pattern of stage 1 sleep except  no  V  waves,  sawtooth shaped  wave  on  central central  &  frontal regions, alpha waves 1‐2Hz less than alpha rhythm.

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